Catalan Films presenta els curtmetratges seleccionats al Shortcat 2025, el proper dilluns 20 de gener, a les 18,30 hores. Tindrem l’oportunitat de gaudir dels sis curtmetratges que formen part del catàleg d’enguany i conèixer els diferents equips de cada producció i en acabar la sessió brindarem junts pel curtmetratge català.
És imprescindible reservar l’entrada a través del següent enllaç:
By Clàudia Cedó
Produced by Lastor Media and Suica Films | Distributed by Marvin&Wayne
Maria is 30 years old, has an intellectual disability and a desire deep inside: she wants to be a mother. The lack of understanding towards her desire will lead her to a fight for her rights, to an uncomfortable rebellion to recover the decision-making power over her own body.
By Alex Sardà
Produced by 15-L Films and Canada | Distributed by Marvin&Wayne
Artur will have to decide between protecting his family involved in a corruption scandal or face the consequences of giving up his privileges.
(La desesperació de la pell) |
By Mireia Vilapuig
Produced by Nanouk Films | Distributed by Agencia Freak
Skin Despair is an emotional journey through home recordings made by a thirteen-year-old girl, as the author revisits her own pre-adolescence and loss of innocence.
(La nostra habitació) |
By Jaume Claret Muxart
Produced by Miramemira, DVEIN Films, Jaume Claret Muxart and Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola | Distributed by Marvin&Wayne
Gal·la works in the radio and has to take care of her son Màrius. One night, pushed by the energy of a mysterious boy, she decides to change the course of her life.
By Marc Riba and Anna Solanas
Produced by I+G Stop Motion |
Mater Benefacta takes us into a claustrophobic convent in a black and white Spain where terrible events are hidden.
(On no hi ha llum) |
By Júlia Garcia
Produced by Corte A Films
Sira and Clara share a dimly lit apartment. Worried about Clara’s mood, Sira decides to bring the scarce natural light from their home into her friend’s room.